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Martin is one of over 125,000 private landowners whose land is used for timber production in Mississippi. He and his two sons manage several hundred acres of timberland, including the land where his father started out in the 1960s. Martin’s family land provides timber for quality wood products; home for healthy cattle; a playground for his grandchildren; and a livelihood and legacy for his entire family.

Conservation of an important economic legacy


With farming and logging experience totaling over 40 years, Martin has witnessed many changes to the forest industry in the Southeast and understands the challenges that a career in timber production entails. To help conserve his family timberland and the forest industry in the South, Martin continues to work with government and non-government organizations, as well as with his fellow foresters. He serves as president of the Mississippi Loggers Association, chairman of the MFC, and first vice president of the American Loggers Council

A family heritage of forestry management


On behalf of SGSF, KPKinteractive documented Martin’s lifelong commitment to the forest product industry, filming him managing his land and his logging company and enjoying time with his grandchildren. Their crew captured footage of various pine stands of Loblolly and Long Leaf, as well as Rankin County locations where the Martins handle logging for other landowners. Martin supports the preservation of the South’s signature pines by using best practices that are updated as conditions change.

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